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Most people associate African music with the drum, but there are a vast range of other instruments. What is true is that the drum has created the rhythmic styles of many musical genres. Our Project Coordinator has been delivering workshops in African Drumming and Dance for over 30 years in the UK and we began our workshops using a variety of drums and dance. The demonstration gave us deeper insight into the use of African music and how the music has helped to develop modern music today.


Africa is a very large and diverse continent with many musical styles and cultures across its difference countries and regions. Music is an important part of traditional and modern life and a part of everyday activities. We watched DVD's of traditional culture. One example was used to illustrate the intimacy of music was how the fishermen when casting their nets would sing and produce rhythmic sounds whilst they work

It was common for everyone to join in, either clapping, singing and dancing to the music. Not like in Western music, where the audience and the performer is separated, but the music and the community act as one.

One of the interesting aspects of African music is how it is used in rites - life cylce events such as when a Young person moves from childhood to becoming an adult. This type of musical rites and ceremonies is learnt during 'puberty; and there are elaborate ceremonies where music is an integral part.  These rites of passage helps the young person to understand their role as an adult. African music is more than for listening, it helps us understand our role in society and our cultural heritage. 


Starting with why the Drum was used in African society has enabled us to begin to understand some of the complex use within traditional societies in Africa.  There are many types of drums and we learned about how they were made, what they were used for, how they are used to communicate, when they are used in special life cycle events and the different types of playing techniques. It was also common for dance and song to be an integrated form 


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